Legal Researchers


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Article 10

Article 10 of the UDHR ensures that everyone has the right to a fair and public hearing by an independent court if they are facing legal charges. This means that if someone is accused of breaking the law, even if guilty they are still legally entitled to have their case heard openly and judged fairly, […]

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Article 9

Article 9 of the UDHR protects people from being unfairly arrested, detained, or forced to leave their country. It ensures that no one can take away your freedom without a good reason or legal process. This right is especially important in countries where governments or authorities regularly abuse their power. Although the UDHR isn’t a

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Article 8

Article 8 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone can seek legal help if their rights are violated. If someone’s basic rights are not respected, they can turn to a court or other legal authority to seek justice and protection, even if the violation is done by someone in power or a

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Article 7

“All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against incitement to such discrimination.” This article is about equality before the law and protection from discrimination. The law should treat everyone equally

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Article 6

This article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to be recognized as a human before the law, no matter where they are. This means that every individual, regardless of nationality, financial status, or background, deserves to have their legal identity respectfully protected. It’s a basic human right that

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Article 5

No one should be subjected to torture, cruelty, or derogatory treatment or punishment. Everyone has the right to be treated with respect, regardless of their actions or circumstances. Torture and cruel treatment not only harm individuals physically and psychologically but also shake the founding pillars of human rights and justice. This Article sheds light on

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Article 4

No one should be enslaved or held in servitude, and all forms of slavery are prohibited. Every individual has the right to be free and cannot be treated as property or forced to work against their will. Slavery and human trafficking are serious violations of human rights that can occur anywhere in the world. This

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Article 3

States that everyone has the right to security; to live freely, and to feel safe. Every person, no matter who they are, deserves to live without fear of any kind of violence or oppression. It’s about ensuring that everyone can enjoy their life and have the freedom to make their own choices. When we protect

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Article 2

Talks about the principles of equality and fairness for all individuals, regardless of their background, to enjoy the same basic human rights. Factors such as race, color, gender, language, religion, or political beliefs do not change a person’s rights. Financial status and having been born in a large nation or a small one should not

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