Legal Researchers


"We commit & we deliver"



+92 301 1155791

Women's Day 2021

Ms Areej Khan on metal health and basic issues related to depression

Ms. Aimon (ADV) described about laws and issues of women related to discrimination faced in society.

Empowering Local Community via Enterprise Development

Legal Researchers have established a platform for showcasing the local products which is an emergent and vital need of our economy both in terms of generating employment and earning foreign exchange for the country with negligible import content. This sector is decentralized and highly labour intensive. It is spread all over the country in rural and urban areas and substantially supports weaker sections of the society including women, SC/STs and minorities. Hence, Textile Ministry has assigned high priority to the development of handicrafts sector, targeting not only growth in employment but also a quantum increase in export earnings.

To provide marketing opportunities for artisans of the far-flung areas in the metro/large cities, the Govt. & NGOs are actively taking interest by organizing different types of marketing programmes. The LR is being provided stalls, infrastructure facilities and publicity etc. During the year 2018, 196 artisans have been benefited through these events and sales to the extent of Rs. 13 lacs approximately have been generated.

Market driven online showcase

This opportunity is providing livelihood services to a large number from all over the country who does not get adequate marketing outlets for sale of their products.  Handicrafts are famous all over the world for their workmanship, design, traditions & cultural heritage. The unique form of handicrafts is in its traditional colours and designs with nice theme. LR displayed the handicraft at different outlets/shops and markets sector F6 (Supermarket), F7 (Jinnah super), F8 Markaz, G8 Markaz, I 10 and few at Rawalpindi main Markets.

Empowering vulnerable & Economic integration for sustainable development

Vocational & Technical skills.

By providing specialized skills through vocational skills and technical training to enhance marketable skills.Conducted training of the selected adolescent girls for new and improved life skills.

IMPACT: Improved employ ability and opportunities for adolescent girls through vocational and life skills training.


LR has organized the Entrepreneurial skills enhancement trainings for young females in Islamabad/Rawalpindi. The entrepreneurial skills trainings were offered to over 100 young females from business and management faculties of various universities in Islamabad/Rawalpindi.

IMPACT: The donation will contribute to provide basic tool kit as it’s the basic need of business.

Setting-up business

By providing the entrepreneurship skills will help them to start their own business to learn about self-employ ability opportunities in order to reduce their dependence and increase household income by supporting their families.

IMPACT: The donation will support the vulnerable groups to establish a small at home premises.

Legal Aid for vulnerable families

Donation is required to support the low income families particularly Women faced defy as Domestic violence and harassment at work place. The LR coverage will emphasize to secure their legal Rights through advises and courts representation. Societal stigma associated which limited to voice women right will be demenish by lending hands to empower women.

Legal Aid Clinics

Side by side special awareness and information sharing campaigns are organized  to motivate the marginalized group in order to share their issues. Remedial steps taken up for the resolution and contribute significant role in familiy , society and as nation.